Well, a couple of years ago I got Twinkie Chan's book "Crochet Goodies for Fashion Foodies" and I crocheted three cupcake scarves for my friends (you can read about them here: Twinkie Chan Scarves!) After I finished theirs, I started making my own, but never finished it. For almost two whole years it sat in my stash.
I was only one cupcake and cherry away from having the right amount. I even started sewing them together, but for some reason I just gave up.Weird. (It's actually not that weird for me. I do it all the time. I'm a procraftinator. I procrastinate by crafting and procrastinate doing my crafting that needs done.)
Well, better late than never right? I finished this pretty in two nights and I'm very happy with it! (And it fits in perfectly with my blog decor! lol)
What kind of sweet (or food) would you love to see as a crochet/knit scarf or other kind of accessory?