Monday, March 31, 2014

Talk nerdy to me! (Introducing the month-end photo roundup)

Something I want to do at the end of every month is a roundup of my favorite pictures of the month or of a genre. It might turn into a link-up if I get enough people interested. This month I decided that I wanted to share my favorite geeky pictures I've taken in the past year or so.

This is the awesomeness you've been missing out on: 

Craftylilkels on Instagram
1, 2, 3, 4, -, 6, 7, 8, -

Most of them are on Instagram. The two that aren't are the Hobbit poster (from seeing the Hobbit with my parents), and the Pokeball picture. That one I took when I was visiting my parents before I moved in with them. The Pokeball is from Burger King and has one of those 25ct gold cards inside of it. My personal favorite is the "Hello Sweetie" + TARDIS pic. 

I have several photo editors on my phone including Pixlr Express, Aviary, and Picsart. They're all free and a bunch of fun to play with!

So tell me, would you be interested in joining in and doing a photo roundup with me? Or do you have any similar link-ups you would suggest I participate in? I'd love to know! 

April Sprinkles


  1. Pokeball! Did you try the Google Maps Pokemon thing?

  2. I did! But I didn't get very far. I think I only got 23. I didn't want to cheat too much or spend my whole night on it, lol. I really hope they keep it too! It was fun :)

  3. These pics are nerdy in the best way. I really love the Pokeball. How fun!

  4. Thanks Tiffany! I had a lot of fun taking them! :)


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