Monday, July 14, 2014

The winner of the Deboop giveaway is...

And the winner is...

Deboop Shop Giveaway has ended!

Heather S!

DeBoop shop will be contacting you soon to ask you for your choice and address!

I hope you like your new key fob wristlet! :)

Deboop Shop Giveaway has ended!

Thanks to everyone who participated by entering and sharing! It was so much fun having a giveaway. I'm thinking of doing another one soon. Maybe once my Facebook page hits 100 fans? I promise it will be very Potterific... if you catch my drift!

For those of you who didn't win, don't forget that DeBoop shop has given my readers a very sweet deal with free shipping on any order over $10 in their Etsy shop!

DeBoop Shop Etsy

April Sprinkles

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