Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Selling boots to geeks the right way

Not sure if you've seen these ads lately, but...

Just Fab using geek culture in their ads

Boots for fashion-friendly zombies!

Just Fab using geek culture in their ads

And along the same lines...

Now there are THREE?!

Then Sink your teeth into these!

These boot ads are on fire! 

Whoever is in the JustFab marketing team really knows how to play to geek culture to get attention.
The Walkers one was the first one that I saw, and immediately shared it. However instead of making me want to buy boots, it just makes me excited for more Walking Dead and Game of Thrones! (I'm currently on the second book right now!) (Okay, maybe I want the boots a little too.)

What do you think of these ads? Have you seen any other geek culture references in ads lately?

April Sprinkles
p.s. I'm not being paid by JustFab or being reimbursed in any way to share these photos. I just thought they were neat. Kbai! 
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