Wednesday, May 18, 2011


It's finally finished! And now I can share it with all of you :)

April Sprinkles: Mermaid Princess Dress
The gorgeous button detail
This is the mermaid dress that my boyfriend's mother commissioned for me to make for his daughter, Lil' A. It's the first thing I've sewn from a pattern in years (and none were ever as complicated as this!). But my mom was there to help. {Thanks mom!} It has been a few months in the making, and I am so happy that it's finished.

April Sprinkles: Mermaid Princess Dress
April Sprinkles: Mermaid Princess Dress
The pattern I used is McCall's M5498 (as you can see in the pictures). The dress itself was inspired by one Lil' A saw when she went to Disneyland and LOVED, but it was too expensive. So Grandma came to me to make an alternative :)

This week I'm also linking up with Night Owl Crafting for Hoo's Got talent and also Show & Tell Saturdays at Be Different Act Normal. So for those of you stopping by from the link-up, howdy! Thanks for Looking :)


Oh and, just a side note:
My mom has made me lots of princess dresses. When I was younger she made me Belle, Snow White, Queen of Hearts, Pocahontas, Jasmine, and Esmeralda dresses but I have never had an Ariel dress. So I feel really special being able to pass on this little tradition that my mom and I have on to Alex's daughter :)

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