Monday, June 27, 2011

Please, Mr. Postman...

...bring me my anniversary package from my honey! I've been waiting so patiently... until today. Okay, maybe Saturday was when I reached my "Wait limit." Now I am desperately anxious and confused as to why it has taken so long! The guys on the boat in charge of mail said it would be shipped out on Thursday the 16th, so where is it?

I guess by now I should be used to the fact that military mail will be late, sometimes early when you least expect it, and ALWAYS wanted. I have no idea what the matter could be, and I hate coming up with possibilities. (My package in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean? No thank you!) Customs should have no need for my earrings! (And whatever else is in there.) They are not WMD, please give me my packaged love :(

Thankfully I've been off-and-on occupying my mind with facebook give-aways and a clothing recon project that I'm working on ;)
sneak peek!
Yeah, that will be a dress :)

And I have a lot more recons in mind! Trying to keep my crafty thoughts organized. I need a better system, lol.

Thanks to all who have stopped by through Military Mondays!
Be sure to leave a comment and your blog link :)

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