Friday, February 17, 2012

His boots are home!

Sorry I haven't posted earlier or really kept up with my subscriptions! The marine has been home for almost 2 weeks, and it has been wonderful! I am really enjoying him being home :)

I've been wanting to take this picture for about a month now, and I finally got the opportunity today! I'm so happy with how the pictures turned out. I wish I could show you our adorable pics, but because of OPSEC I'm going to keep his super secret identity...well... super secret? lol. Anyway, just take my word for it :) We're adorable.

You are all awesome! If you're experiencing deployment currently I really can tell you now that it will be over before you know it! I still can't believe he's really home. Once it's over it will be like it almost never happened. Almost never.

Thanks for reading


  1. AWWW yay!!! I am so happy for you! Congratulations! Eeeek! You deserve to have him home.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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