So I sort of joined the Empire...
Just for a little bit, I swear!

Then we saw a few more sites, the usual...
Met a majestic unicorn or two (second not pictured)
I feel like someday I will need to photoshop this.
After that I had a brief brush with extermination...
But I ain't afraid of no Dalek!
We finished off our trip by stopping at Kerry Park.
Gotta love that view!
I really enjoy being so close to Seattle that I can visit any time I want, but without the hassle of living in such a big/busy city.
Do you have any big cities close by that you like to visit? Let me know in the comments!
If you've been to Seattle before, leave me a suggestion on where to visit next! I'm usually up for new adventures.
Check out my other Seattle Posts: My first Seattle trip + Woodland Park Zoo