Friday, July 18, 2014

Geeking out in Seattle

You may have seen my post about going to Urban Craft Uprising this past weekend, but you might not have seen all the other fun I had after it! Unless you follow me on Instagram, then you saw some of the awesomeness.

So I sort of joined the Empire...

April Sprinkles turns to the dark side in Seattle

Just for a little bit, I swear!

April Sprinkles turns to the dark side in SeattleIt's almost impossible to turn to the dark side when you're wearing an ice cream print top and polka dot shoes. That didn't stop me for trying to strike a badass pose though! (Poor guy in the suit in that heat! Mr. Vader was fake.)

Then we saw a few more sites, the usual...

Seattle Space Needle by KB Photography on April Sprinkles

Met a majestic unicorn or two (second not pictured)

Majestic Unicorn in Seattle

I feel like someday I will need to photoshop this.

After that I had a brief brush with extermination...

April Sprinkles almost gets exterminated in Seattle

But I ain't afraid of no Dalek!

April Sprinkles almost gets exterminated in Seattle

We finished off our trip by stopping at Kerry Park.

Kerry Park Seattle Skyline by KB Photography on April Sprinkles

Gotta love that view!

I really enjoy being so close to Seattle that I can visit any time I want, but without the hassle of living in such a big/busy city.

Do you have any big cities close by that you like to visit? Let me know in the comments!
If you've been to Seattle before, leave me a suggestion on where to visit next! I'm usually up for new adventures.

Check out my other Seattle Posts: My first Seattle trip + Woodland Park Zoo

April Sprinkles
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