Friday, August 1, 2014

July Photo Roundup and life update

Here it is, my life (basically) for the past month:
Instagram: craftylilkels

I honestly almost didn't post this today, but I figured it would be as good as any a time to write up what's been going on in my life. It hasn't been a lot until recently. About a week ago we found out that the owner of the house we rent is planning on selling. Now we have two months to pack all of our things, find a new house, and move to it. It has been a lot of stress on all of us, and we are very unhappy with the situation. People want to start seeing the house on Saturday, so you can imagine how unhappy I am about it all. On the bright side of things, we deserve to live in a much better house and not have to share a bathroom between three people. 

Other than these very unfortunate circumstances, July had been a pretty good month. I met new crafters at Urban Craft Uprising, had some fun in Seattle, made some Snitch necklaces (and sold one!), became mother of dragons, was in a video for Female Geek Bloggers talking about Fantasy in all media (well, my voice was anyway), and a handful of other stuff. 

So what was your July like? 

And to my Supernatural friends, CROATOAN

That is all :)

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